Hello everyone,

Kemal 0.18.0 is here :tada: Kemal gets better yet becoming simpler :heartpulse:

Simpler File Upload

File uploads can now be accessed from request params like env.params.files["filename"].

It has 5 useful methods to get the job done!

  • tmpfile: This is the temporary file for file upload. Useful for saving or manipulating the upload file.
  • tmpfile_path: File path of tmpfile.
  • filename: File name of the file upload. (logo.png, images.zip e.g)
  • meta: Meta information for the file upload.
  • headers: Request headers for the file upload.

Here’s a fully working sample for reading an image file upload with key image1 and saving it under public/uploads.

post "/upload" do |env|
  file = env.params.files["image1"].tmpfile
  file_path = ::File.join [Kemal.config.public_folder, "uploads/", file.filename]
  File.open(file_path, "w") do |f|
    IO.copy(file, f)
  "Upload ok"

You can test this with below curl command.

curl -F "image1=@/Users/serdar/Downloads/kemal.png" http://localhost:3000/upload

File Streaming

Streaming is a serious business and Kemal has you covered :sunglasses: This release adds RFC7233 support.

What this practically means is that you can partially request a file from Kemal without downloading the rest by utilizing HTTP Range header. Ain’t that cool :sushi:


Be sure to check out the full CHANGELOG for the full awesomeness and bug fixes :) And a big THANKS to everyone for making this release possible :heart:

Happy Crystalling!