require "kemal"
# Handle file uploads via POST request to /upload endpoint
post "/upload" do |env|
# Get the uploaded file from the "image" field in the form
# The file is initially stored in a temporary location
file = env.params.files["image"].tempfile
# Construct the destination path where we'll save the file
# - Kemal.config.public_folder is the configured public directory
# - "uploads/" is the subdirectory where we'll store uploads
# - File.basename gets just the filename from the temp file path
file_path = ::File.join [Kemal.config.public_folder, "uploads/", File.basename(file.path)]
# Open the destination file for writing and copy the uploaded file to it, "w") do |f|
IO.copy(file, f)
# Return a simple success message
"Upload ok"
# Start the Kemal server